Principle of Creation Section-4 Quiz
Name: _____________________________
1. What does creation need from us in order to fulfill its original value?
2. When you help someone reach their original value, what is the result?
3. Pick a piece of creation and share what you could do/say to help it fulfill its value:
4. Where do our emotion, intellect and will come from?
5. Give a personal example of God’s emotion, intellect or beauty that you have experienced or observed in creation:
6. Give an example of how you can use or have used your emotion to create beauty:
7. Give an example of how you can use or have used your intellect to understand truth:
8. Give an example of how you can use or have used your will to pursue goodness:
9. How can you determine whether an action is good or evil?
10. Give an example of characters from a movie/TV show/book and how you are able to determine if they are righteous or unrighteous:
Righteous character:
Unrighteous character: