Welcome to The Toolbox: your one-stop shop for activities and programming for Youth Ministry. The Toolbox is organized by the YAYAM Hyo Jeong Educational Framework, which is divided into the 3 Great Blessings and subdivided into the 3 faculties of the human mind. As you navigate through these resources, choose a topic and then choose an activity based on the level of depth that is appropriate for your youth and community.
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Other Categories: Inspire, Empower, Connect, Contribute, Expand
1st Blessing
FEEL: Have Empathy with Heavenly Parent & True Parents
Let’s practice our gratitude to God as a way to recognize how God is working in our lives
Use the power of devotion music and older brothers and sisters to help youth connect to their Heavenly Parent
Taking time to have conversations with God that uplift Him/Her
Read and discuss about the nature of God
Write messages from God to people in your life
Use the prayers of True Parents to help you develop your own prayer life
Be a channel for your partner by praying for their challenges out loud
How is God doing? What does God need from us?
Protect your president from the vicious balls being thrown at them!
Let God answer the prayers of others through you
A discussion based experience meant to help us see from God’s point of view
Identify what you are giving up and celebrate what you gain by choosing our faith
A creative discussion format that invites people to learn more about God
1st Blessing
KNOW: Learn the Divine Principle, God's Heart, & True Parent's Life Course
Educate your youth about the tools True Parents have given us to study
Learn about other faith traditions as a means of empowering your own spiritual life
A great way to get to know God is by learning his Principles of Creation!
Seal your commitment to God with a Sharpie Tattoo
A fun way to get kids comfortable talking about their beliefs, whether they be big or small
1st Blessing
DO: Strengthen My Original Mind by Practicing Life of Faith Habits
Practice spiritual study through the S.T.U.D.Y acronym from “The Journey” curriculum
A supplemental activity for an already existing program to encourage being intentional
See if you are balanced in how you spend your time, for others or yourself?
Identify the area in our life we need most work on and share tools with each other in those areas
Create means for participants to invest in their personal relationship with God outside of a workshop or Sunday school. Taking steps towards building necessary habits to stay Inspired after returning home.Building our personal relationship with God by making a personal condition of faith
relationships with God This activity should follow an evening focusing on our unique relationships with God or how God can be found in all of creation.
Identify the habits in our life that are holding us back and cut them out
Make a simple one-month calendar full of empowering messages to keep you motivated this month
Experiential stations meant to introduce youth to ways to relate to God
A great perspective on prayer with 5 easy points to remember from Pope Francis
Create an easy group mural that represents our unique relationships with God This activity should follow an evening focusing on our unique relationships with God or how God can be found in all of creation.
Make a “This is Where I’ve Been”Make a “This is Where I’ve Been” Map about you and God Map about you and God
Learn and practice ways to give love back to God through your love language
See how your relationship with God has changed over time
Identify key moments in our personal growth to motivate us to keep moving forward
Practice meditation as a means of building a foundation for relating with God
The idea of this activity is how we can all be superheroes through our connection and faith to God.
A special prayer walk which features the rooms of a home and what they represent in your life
Be passionate about what you believe in and share it with us!
Make an invitation for God to be part of your day!
A creative way to build a reminder of God’s presence in your life
Use these worksheets from 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens to build your personal mission statement
Use SWOT to take a look at your life and find your focus
Fun activity focusing on overcoming obstacles in your spiritual life
Internal growth happens every day in the smallest of ways
Use self addressed postcards to reinforce our personal growth
Use a postcard as a way of reflecting on where you and God are at
Use this activity as a practical way of remembering to pray
2nd Blessing
FEEL: Feel a Sense of Belonging with My Family & Comminity
Fill your box with encouraging messages from your peers
A fun way to get to know each other with mingling and pair shares
Build a portrait of each person in your group together
Use the love languages as a means of becoming masters of love
See how well your group knows each other
What have you never done? Get to know new things about each other!
Pair up and speed learn everything there is to know about another person; then take the challenge to see how well you really understand that person! A fun way to get to know each other better.
Be creative and work as a team!
Who would draw themselves this way? Find out in this game!
Demonstrate the idea that relationships take two committed parties!
2nd Blessing
KNOW: Learn the Value & Application of the 4 Great Realms of Heart
Feature an opportunity to see our elders in a new light
Reach out to someone and see how it makes you feel!
Relevant DP Life articles:
Learn about what we believe through engaging DP Lesson Plans and Quizzes!
Relevant DP Life Articles & Discussion Questions
Get the parents to come with their kids to youth group and grow together
We can grow our heart through expansion!
2nd Blessing
DO: Engage & Grow With My Faith Community
It’s a race to see who can write to 100 first or roll a 6!
You’ve got 5 seconds to summarize a movie, now go!
You and your partner must protect your balloon while trying to pop other balloons!
A fun high energy way to kick-off or conclude a brother/sister night. Fun trivia, challenges, and more based on some unique characteristics of males and females.
Share about the little practices that help us be who we want to be
Hope you can remember everyone’s name for this one!
Fill your box with encouraging messages from your peers
Push through your fears and land in a group hug!
Practice sharing our faith in a simple way– Submitted by Immanuel Rinkema & Chicago YM
3rd Blessing
FEEL: Feel Excited & Confident In My Unique Potential
You’ll be surprised what great wisdom comes from this class children’s book!
Set up stations to learn something new and help your youth get excited about their potential!
Make a contribute bucket list for your vacation
A fun game that recognizes our unique personalities
Work together to discover your superhero alter ego
Let others help you to see what your have to offer
Close your eyes and soak in the love you didn’t know was there
Relevant DP Life Articles & Discussion Questions
Relevant DP Life Articles & Discussion Questions
3rd Blessing
KNOW: Know the Possible Impacts of My Strengths & Passions
Feature local members and their careers
Practice sharing our faith in a simple way– Submitted by Immanuel Rinkema & Chicago YM
Have a night dedicated to learning about gap year opportunities
Discuss: What cause(s) do you care about?
Finding what ministries interest you
Dedicate your weekly youth group meet ups as a chance to provide one-on-one mentoring this month
Relevant DP Life Articles & Discussion Questions
Relevant DP Life Articles & Discussion Questions
Testimony points on the benefits of volunteerism
3rd Blessing
DO: Develop & Contribute My Abilities to the World Around Me
Have a holiday party planned this year? Make the admission some canned goods to support a local food bank!
Caring for the planet is timeless. Make this week your Earth Week by challenging yourself to these daily enviroment-conscious tips