Principle of Creation Section-5 Quiz
Name: _____________________________
- The Bible counts one day as “evening, then morning”, what does that mean?
- Choose any part of creation and describe its “evening period” and “morning period.”
- What are the three stages of growth?
- What is one thing you learned during the first stage of the three stages of growth?
- What is one thing you learned/are learning during the second stage of the three stages of growth?
- What is one thing you hope to accomplish during the final stage of the three stages of growth?
- Why are we not able to be directly governed by God during the period of indirect dominion?
- What can you/do you do to provide clarity during the time of indirect dominion?
- What does it mean to be in the direct dominion of God?
- Choose a career and describe a possible project a person in the direct dominion of God might pursue in that field