Section-1 Quiz

Name: _____________________________                                                                        

1. Consider the impact of the Fall on our world today. List one example of this impact by comparing the “Reality” versus “God’s Ideal.”




2. Briefly explain how God felt when Adam and Eve fell?

3. In the Biblical account of the Human Fall what did these two trees in the Garden of Eden symbolize?

  1. Tree of life:
  2. Tree of the knowledge of good and evil:

4. In the Biblical account of the Human Fall, what did the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil symbolize?

5. In the Biblical account of the Human Fall, what did the serpent symbolize?

6. What was God’s original purpose for angels? How are angels different from human beings?

7. In the Biblical account of the Human Fall, what does the “fall” symbolize?

8. Share one media example that displays the misuse of sex as a result of the fall (music, TV show, movie etc.):

9. What should we do when we feel guilty or have regret?

10. What is one reason God did not prevent the Fall from occurring?


section-oneManish Saluja