Aim to learn about Father’s life in Pusan

* To learn about Father’s life in Pusan
* To understand that internal things are more important than external things

* Work Begins on Pusan, by Linna Rapkins
* Sun Myung Moon: the Early Years, by Mike Breen. Ch. 10 – The Rock of Tears pp.138-142
* Visual aids
– Street scene from Pusan during Korean War,
– Unloading grain at Pusan docks 1952
– Railyard in Ousan harbour 1950
– U.S. ship arrives at Pusan December 1950
– map of Korea showing advance of Communists towards Pusan
* Children’s worksheet


Lesson Outline
1. Review the previous story
2. Tell the Story
3. Discussion
4. What can we learn from this story?
5. Activities – worksheet
6. Review the lesson
7. Prayer


1) Review the previous story
Journey to Pusan – Everybody was fleeing south, because of the war. But not Father. Instead, he went north to Pyongyang to search for his disciples. Most had lost faith, except Won Pil Kim and  Mr. Pak, who had a broken leg. Together they travelled south to Pusan, with Mr. Pak on a bicycle. It was a very long and difficult journey, but they finally reached Pusan.

Background Information (show visual aids)
Pusan is a port city. In 1951 it was overcrowded with refugees fleeing from Chinese and North Koreans. Pusan was the only city free from the Communists when Father arrived in January. By March 1951, UN troops pushed the Communists back and retook Seoul, but refugees kept coming, because it was the safest place to be.

2) Tell the story
Life in Pusan – When Father and Won Pil Kim arrived in Pusan, they were tired, dirty and very hungry. Won Pil Kim found work in a restaurant. Father made money unloading ships, but he had nowhere to live for four months. He was always hungry, but his main concern was to find his old disciples and to start teaching again.  

Main Point of the Story – Even though Father was hungry and homeless, his main concern was to find his disciples and was guided by prayer to find them. Eventually his external circumstances improved.

3) Discussion about the Story
* What external difficulties did Father face when he arrived in Pusan?
He was hungry, tired, dirty and homeless
* What would you think about if you were a refugee in Pusan?
food, money, a place to live

  • What did Father think about?
    looking for his former disciples and teaching people God’s word
  • Who was Moon Duk Aum?
    A friend from university in Japan, where Father studied.
  • What did Father talk to Mr. Aum about?
    The ideal world, the Fall of Man, Jesus’ mission, and God’s heart.
  • Why did Father leave Mr Aum’s home after one week?
    It was crowded for Mr. Aum’s family and Father didn’t want to be a burden
  • Who was Mr. Kim?
    A fellow prisoner who escaped from Heungnam
  • What did Father talk to Mr. Kim about?
    Heavenly Father’s plan for Korea and the world.
  • Why did Father not stay in his home for long?
    Mr. Kim was newly married and there home was only one room.
  • What work did Father do?
    Unloading ships
  • What work did Won Pil Kim do?
    He worked in a restaurant
  • What happened when Father was invited to his restaurant?
    He was extremely hungry and ate three bowls of rice very quickly. Won Pil Kim had not realized
  • how hungry Father was, because he never said anything.
  • What did Won Pil Kim notice about Father’s attitude?
    – He never complained about the cold.
    – He never talked about the prison wounds that still hurt.
    – He never said how hungry he was or how tired he was.
    – He was always concerned about others more than himself


4) What can we learn from this story?
Read Jesus’ words and ask the children what it means
Jesus’ Words (Luke 12: 22-31)

Do Not Worry
22Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. 23Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. 24Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! 25Who of you by worrying  can add a single hour to his life[b]? 26Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?

27″Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 28If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith! 29And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it.

30For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. 31But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. Don’t worry about external  things that you need for your body, like food, clothes and where you live. Put God first, and put priority on internal things that help your spirit to grow, like studying God’s words, prayer and loving others. 

In the story, Father had many external things he could have worried about (food, a place to live), but instead he focused on doing God’s will – teaching people and loving them.. We can learn from Father that when wet put God first, God will give us what we need. Father always put others before himself. We should do the same, because this will help our hearts to grow 

What can you do to put God first? 
* Read Father’s words or Bible stories, 
* Pray every day
* Do things that make others happy
* Be helpful at home
* Always say thank you after eating
* Share your toys with others
* Serve food at mealtimes.


5) Activities
* Complete the worksheet
When Father and Won Pil Kim arrived in Pusan, they were tired, dirty and very hungry. Won Pil Kim found work in a restaurant. Father made money unloading ships, but he had nowhere to live for four months. He was always hungry, but his main concern was to find his old disciples and to start teaching again.

1. What would you think about if you were a refugee in Pusan?
food, money, a place to live
2. What did Father think about?
looking for his former disciples and teaching people God’s word
3. Why should we not worry about external things like money and food ? 
God cares about the birds and provides for them. Why would God not provide for us his children?
We should think more about how God wants us to live and be a good child. If we do that God will help us with external things
4. What can you do in your daily life to put others before yourself?
Read God’s words, pray, make others happy, be helpful at home, always say thank you after you eat, share your toys with others, serve food at mealtimes, etc..

6) Review the lesson
Discuss with the children what can we learn from this story? Conclude by talking about two key points from the lesson
* To learn about Father’s life in Pusan
Even though Father was hungry and homeless, his main concern was to find his disciples.and was guided by prayer to find them. Eventually his external circumstances improved.
* To understand that internal things are important than external things
We should put priority on internal things, and not worry about external things
Put God first and follow God’s way and God will give us the things we need.


7) End with a prayer

sixth gradeManish Saluja