Aim to learn what the Bible says about the last days

* to learn what the Bible says about the last days
* to know what Christians think will happen in the last days
* to understand that some parts of the Bible are written in symbols and cannot be taken literally

* Visual aids about the last days
* A Bible for each child
* Bible passages about the last days
* memory cards
* Children’s worksheets

Lesson Outline
1. What the Bible says about the last days
2. What Christians think will happen
3. Principle Explanation
4. Activities – worksheet, memory game
5. Review the aims
6. Prayer

1) What the Bible says about the last days
When Jesus ascended into heaven he said he would return. The disciples were expecting him to return in their lifetime. Now 2,000 years have passed. The time when Christ returns is called the last Days. In the Bible there are many predictions about what will happen in the last days. We can start by reading what Jesus said about it Give each child a Bible and read from Matthew chapter 24, verses 3-44. These are Jesus’ words.

Ask the children the main points that Jesus made. Write the answers on the whiteboard: 
1. Many people will claim to be Christ – Matthew 24: 3-5
2. There will be wars, famines and earthquakes – Matthew 24: 6-8
3. Many will lose their faith – Matthew 24: 10
4. The sun and moon will become dark and the stars will fall down – Matthew 24:29

Read the other Bible passages and add to the list. Show large pictures that illustrate them.
5. Jesus will return and bring believers to a place he has prepared – John 14:1-3
6. Jesus will return in the way he left, from the sky – Acts 1:10-11
7. The whole world see Jesus – Revelation 1:7
8. Believers who have died will rise from their graves to meet Him – 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
9. The earth will be destroyed – 2 Peter 3:12
10. A new heaven and earth will be created – Revelation 21:1


2) What Christians think will happen
Many Christians believe literally what is written in the Bible, so they believe all these things will actually happen. This leads to a wrong understanding about the last days

1. Many people will claim to be Christ and there will be many false prophets
2. There will be wars, famines and earthquakes
3. Many will lose their faith
4. The sun and moon will become dark and the stars will fall down
5. Jesus himself will return because he said he would
6. Jesus will come down to earth on the clouds, because when Jesus ascended up to heaven, two angels appeared and said Jesus would return in the same way that he left
7. The whole world will know. Every one will see Jesus on the clouds
8. Believers who have died will rise from their graves to meet Him. Those who are still alive, will join them. Unbelievers will suffer the judgment of God
9. The earth will burn up and melt
10. A new heaven and earth will be created


3) Principle Explanation
God intended to build a world of goodness, not destroy it. Predictions of the end of the world cannot be literally true. Many parts of the Bible are written in symbols. The Principle explains what the symbols mean. The next lesson will give a full explanation

4) Activities
* Worksheet 1 – What the Bible Says about the Last Days
Write 10 things the Bible says about the Last days

* Worksheet 2
Look for 4 Bible passages in the Bible. Cut and paste each Bible verse onto the worksheet

* Worksheet
Find the correct Bible verse for each Bible passage. Choose one Bible verse and make your own illustration

* Play the memory game to learn what the Bible says will happen in the last days


5) Review the aims
* to learn what the Bible says about the last days
* to know what Christians think will happen in the last days
* to understand that some parts of the Bible are written in symbols and cannot be taken literally


6) End with a prayer
