Ask everyone to make a list of: (keep the list general, don’t overthink it)
Things you do for others during the week
Things you do for yourself during the week
Provide two colors of tape (masking tape, duck tape, etc.) to each group and a permanent marker. Cut the tape into strips and have each person write 1 or 2 words on pieces of tape that describes each item on their list.
Use one color for items on the “others” list
Use another color for items on the “self” list
Have everyone put their pieces of tape on one arm.
In small groups discuss:
3 things that you do for others
3 things that you do for yourself
Have someone give a brief talk/testimony about the importance of being balanced in taking care of others and yourself: if we don’t take care of ourselves we can’t take care of others, if we only take care of ourselves then we aren’t taking care of those that we care about.
Am i lopsided in one direction?
What habits can I change/include/get rid of to help me be more balanced?
Discuss in small groups:
What is one habit you want to change to help you become more balanced?