1. Give a short talk/testimony about the being the best version of ourselves and what holds us back. Here are some points to share.

    • Show the video “Seven Lies You Believe about Yourself”:

    • Share how the lies we tell ourselves hold us back

    • Share God’s perspective of us and how amazing we really are.    

  2. Have a discussion about the lies we tell ourselves and why it is a lie.

  3. Give each person one name tag (“Hello my name is ____” stickers).

    • On the back, write down in a few words lies that they tell about themselves.

    • On the front where the name usually goes, write down one word/phrase of the opposite of the lie or in other words, write the truth of who they are.

    • Some examples of things they can write in the back are “not good enough” or “alone” and some examples for the front are “worth it” or “loved.”  

  4. Ask for volunteers to share what lie they tell themselves and share the truth of who they are. After sharing, that person will pull off the name tag and put it on his or her chest. The non-sticker portion will be thrown away. This is meant to symbolize letting go of the lies we tell ourselves and proudly displaying the truth about ourselves.

  5. If not everyone has done so, have them put their name tag on their chest and wear it for the rest of the day.  

Contributed by Yasu Yukawa and the New York Youth Ministry