Getting Ready

What is this series?

A chance to challenge your personal and ministry growth.

How does it work?

You’ll set a personal and ministerial goal for this month. Then, you and a small group of Youth Pastors will meet online for 4 weeks. Each week you will spend 30 minutes sharing about the progress of your goals and support each other in achieving those goals.

What do I need to prepare?

  1. Spend significant time reflecting on your personal state and that of your ministry. Here are some questions to ponder:

    1. Me:

      1. What area’s of my personal life need the most attention? (friends, family, school, work, stress level, health, etc.)

      2. How am I doing on practical matters such as:

        1. Time management

        2. Healthy eating & exercise

        3. Getting things done Vs. Procrastination

      3. How am I doing on spiritual matters such as?

        1. Personal reflection

        2. Hon Dok Hae & Prayer

        3. Service

    2. My ministry:

      1. What area’s of my ministry need the most work? (If you don’t know where to start, take a look at your youth and see what you think they need more of.. such as)

        1. Feeling a sense of belonging in their community

        2. How they relate with God & True Parents

        3. Their knowledge regarding our faith and traditions

        4. Their willingness to give of themselves and volunteer their time

        5. Level of comfort in sharing their faith with others and inviting friends to youth group

      2. How am I doing on practical matters:

        1. Advertising

        2. Social Media

        3. Communicating with Parents

        4. Reporting to my Pastor/Council

        5. Building a strong team

      3. How am I doing on spiritual matters?

        1. God

        2. True Parents

        3. Divine Principle

        4. Purity & the Blessing

  2. Choose two goals to work on this month: one for you and one for your ministry.

    1. Keep in mind that we have only a few short weeks to make progress. That means your goal needs to be realistic.

    2. You want to ask yourself, “What do I want this to look like in 4 weeks?”

  3. Take it one step further by breaking down both of your goals to each week of this month:

    1. What do I hope to accomplish during Week 1?

    2. What do I hope to accomplish during week 2?

    3. What do I hope to accomplish during week 3?

    4. What long term plans do I have regarding these area’s?

  4. Be ready to share honestly with your group as well as listen genuinely as others share.

    1. Please devote the full 30 minutes of our calls to your group

    2. (that means refraining from checking facebook, e-mailing or texting while our call is going on).

Kaeleigh Moffitt