Invite members of your local church community to share about their ministry. Make sure you have a variety of ministries represented such as: Youth Ministry, Pastorship, Local Council/Financial Advisory Committee, Young Adult Ministry, Music Ministry, Witnessing/Outreach, WFWP, UPF, etc.

  1. Guest Speaker Series:
    1. Ask each person to share on the following topics in front of your entire youth group:
        • Why they feel called to serve in this ministry
        • What their typical involvement looks like
        • How serving in this ministry helps their spiritual life
  2. Rotational Series:
    1. Give the youth a list of the guest speakers and have them choose 2-3 that they would be interested in learning more about.
    2. Have them rotate through 2-3 stations to hear each speaker they chose.
  3. Offer Q & A at the end of either style session
  4. If your professionals are open to it you could have a sign up list for youth who would like to talk more in depth with one of the guest speakers. They could sign up for “Coffee with a Ministry Leader” to learn more about their ministry


Testimonies from Ministry Leaders
Why you serve
Breakout sessions
List of possible groups to feature