- Introduce this activity with the notion that so many people in the world don’t know how much God loves them. This activity is a chance to let them know how much their Heavenly Parent loves them.
- Think about someone in your life who is having a hard time and could use some extra love. Some ideas could be:
- Parents
- Siblings
- Friends
- Youth Leaders/Pastors
- Take a moment and think about this person from God’s perspective.
- What does God love about this person?
- What does God wish He could say to this person?
- How does God see this person?
- Write a letter to this person from God’s perspective keeping these things in mind.
- Seal the letter in envelopes and encourage the youth to secretly give these messages to people on their own time.
- Close with the point that we are all God’s children and we should continue to practice seeing other’s from God’s point of view.