- Gather everyone in a circle and have a staff member go in the middle of the circle to demonstrate the activity.
- The person in the middle of the circle should share some difficulty they are facing in their current life of faith: What makes it difficult for them to have a relationship with God?
- At the end of their brief sharing, the person in the center should then invite the members of the circle for their help and prayers.
- The circle members should gather tightly around the center person and place a hand on that person’s shoulder/back/head, etc. If they can’t physically touch that person, they should touch someone who is touching that person.
- Spend about 3 minutes in unison prayer (out loud) for this person and the difficulties they are overcoming.
- When the time is finished have the facilitator cue everyone by saying “Aju, Aju, Aju.”
- This should be done on a voluntary basis, since this activity is particularly vulnerable. Remember that people are participating just as much by praying for one another.
[This activity would be more effective by preparing the atmosphere before hand. Sing some deep songs together, listen to deep testimonies together, have a deep prayer etc.]