1. Whole Workshop Meeting: Opening Up the Conversation
    1. Purpose: Identify the culture we live in and recognize the challenges our generation faces in achieving sexual integrity.
    2. Format: Large Group sharing featuring video clips, facts, and general information
    3. Length: 15 minutes
    4. Content:
      1. Statistics & Reality
        1. Stats & Brain: 4:51
        2. Connection to Sex Trafficking: 1:24
        3. Teen Exposure stats: 1:36
      2. How it impacts the heart: 3:50
      3. How it impacts society 2:51
  2. Whole Workshop Meeting: How the Culture Impacts my Gender
    1. Purpose: Express how our pornified culture impacts growing up as a male or female.
    2. Length: 10 minutes
    3. Format: One testimony from each gender.
    4. Content:
      1. Both: Sex becomes separate from intimacy.
      2. Brother:
        1. Our peers make us feel like it is uncool to be pure. You are made fun of or questioned if you don’t buy into the culture.
        2. Society teaches us to value the external value of a woman more than the internal value. We are taught to judge women by their external appearance.
        3. The definition of masculinity is skewed. Sexual experiences become tied into what it means to be a man.
      3. Sister:
        1. Being objectified seems normal. We expect to be hit on, to be looked at, and to be thought of as a sexual object.
        2. Our self-esteem and value gets tied into our external appearance. We try to look attractive because we get more attention that way.
        3. Trusting men to take care of our hearts is challenging. We are told that our hearts matter, but it seems like our bodies matter more.
  3. Brother/Sister Meeting: Who You Want to be
    1. Purpose: Set up the evening so the focus is on a positive forward moving vision.
    2. Format: Testimonies from older brothers and sisters featuring vulnerable sharings about a specific challenge they face in becoming the person they want to be. The testimony should end on the more positive side focusing on the topic of “who I want to be” or “Where I’m heading.”
    3. Length: 15 minutes
    4. Examples of Testimonies:
      1. Struggling with Pornography/ Becoming a great husband/ Being Proud of myself, etc.
        1. Matt’s Story: I Quit Porn and I’ve never been happier
        2. Seung Kook Burns Testimony:
        3. Women have this problem too:

      2. Struggling with Self Confidence/Love myself
      3. Struggling with Relationships/ Happy with people
      4. Struggling with Faith/ Trusting my Heavenly Parent
      5. etc. 
  4. Brother/Sister Meeting: Identify your Block
    1. Purpose: Recognize one specific area that is preventing you being who you want to be
    2. Format: Personal written reflection with guided questions with reflective music in the background
    3. Length: 10 minutes
    4. Reflection Questions:
      1. Who do I want to be, or where am i headed?
      2. What is one major blocking point in becoming that person?
      3. When and where does this situation occur in your life?
  5. Brother/Sister Meetings: Triggers
    1. Purpose: Allow the youth to share in a small group to create a sense of camaraderie, acceptance, and validation.
    2. Format: Small group discussion with a same gendered staff member. Ideally less than 8 people. The smaller the groups are, the more each person will have an opportunity to share.
    3. Length: 1 hour
    4. Discussion Questions:
      1. Who do I want to be, or where am i headed?
      2. What is one major blocking point in becoming that person?
      3. When and where does this situation occur in your life?
  6. Brother/Sister Meeting: Strategies
    1. Purpose: Learn about resources, strategies, and hopeful victories to inspire a sense of determination.
    2. Format: Testimonies from older brothers and sisters featuring successful strategies for overcoming common challenges. Also featuring practical resources for specific topics.
    3. Length: 15 minutes
    4.  Content:
      1. Pornography Resources:
        2. Good relationships
        3. How you spend your time (be busy with good things)
        4. Open dialogue with parents about porn/sex
        5. Accountability Partner
          1. Meeting once a week with a small group via zoom or face-to-face
          2. Rtribe app (accountability group leader can lead a group here)
          3. New accountability group leader can connect with Andrew Love, Reverend Thompson, or David Wolfenburger who are already experienced in leading accountability groups
        6. External Resources
          1. Rtribe app (awsesome app!/ accountability group/daily check in)
          2. (great resources, mentoring, subscribe to weekly blogs)
          3. (accountability/internet filtering/great resources for learning more)
          4. Fight the New Drug (Fortify program/ become a fighter/ join the movement/ cool T-shirts, wrist-bands, and stickers!)
      2. Sisters:
        1. Before starting this session, get together with the other female leaders and discuss which topics were most prevalent during your discussions. Then choose 3-5 topics to feature a testimony/strategy on. 
        2. These testimonies should either be about victorious experiences or feature tips and strategies to help in these particular area’s. You can see descriptions of these topics here
        3. If some girls would like to talk more about some of these topics they can fill out an elder card. You can list these topics on the board with a list of female team leaders who have experienced these challenges.
          1. Self Love & Respect
          2. Loneliness
          3. Isolation
          4. Seeking love in unhealthy places
          5. Pornography/Masturbation
          6. Faith
          7. Relationships
      3. Elder Cards
        1. If young people feel a need to talk one-on-one with an elder brother or sister they can use elder cards.
        2. On a piece of paper they can write down
          1. Your Name
          2. Name of the elder you want to talk with
          3. Topic of concern
        3. The elder should make time during camp to talk with this person. If it’s not possible to speak during camp, they should absolutely follow up after camp.
  7. Brother/Sister Meeting: Empowerment
    1. Purpose: End the night with a feeling of empowerment and overcoming the obstacles in our lives.
    2. Length: 1 hour
    3. Content:
      1. Physical Challenges: Tunnel of Victory
      2. Internal Validation: I am your Mirror