What does it mean?
- Practice daily spiritual traditions: prayer, hon dok hae, etc.
- Discover Divine Principle
- Grow your internal character through available tools
Let's Get Familiar
Activities that introduce spiritual practice for beginners
Telling stories about uncomfortable moments, it starts out fun and then gets deep This activity is meant to be done in small groups with a facilitator.
Expanding my Growth
Activities focusing on expanding the tools we have to grow
The idea of this activity is how we can all be superheroes through our connection and faith to God.
Use these worksheets from 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens to build your personal mission statement
Make a simple one-month calendar full of empowering messages to keep you motivated this month
Identify the area in our life we need most work on and share tools with each other in those areas
Core Growth & Habits
Resources that focus on the basic tenants of our Unification faith and forming healthy habits/p>
Dedicate your weekly youth group meet ups as a chance to provide one-on-one mentoring this month
Becoming a Spiritual Owner
Experiences to bring your spiritual practice to the next level