What does Connect mean?
Be warm and welcoming to new and old friends
Create genuine relationships and friends of faith
Practice authenticity with your community
Have honest and supportive relationships
Be open and willing to share yourself with others
Know you are not alone in your difficulties and challenges
Feel accepted and valued by your brothers and sisters
Let's Have Fun
Games for new friends who just want to enjoy themselves
This is a fun evening program that can be used to get everyone laughing! Great for team bonding, but watch out! If you crack a smile your team takes the fall!
A fun high energy way to kick-off or conclude a brother/sister night. Fun trivia, challenges, and more based on some unique characteristics of males and females.
An involved live-action version of the Hunger games with props, mini-battles, and tons of fun. Best if played with teams of 4.
Getting Comfortable
Activities focused on getting to know you and the group
This is a good icebreaker to force people interact with each other, no one can slide by! Very simple round game, demonstrate the handshakes below with suggested quota of people one must do them with (can be adjusted depending on size of ws)
Pair up and speed learn everything there is to know about another person; then take the challenge to see how well you really understand that person! A fun way to get to know each other better.
Opening Up
Activities geared towards revealing a deeper part of yourself
Reaching Out
Opportunities to go outside of yourself to care for others
Further Reading
Just add a few discussion questions or action steps and you have a great resource for Youth Ministry!